Andrew Seaman’s Post

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Senior Managing Editor for Jobs & Career Development at LinkedIn News

What interview questions should candidates be ready for due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic? Will recruiters or hiring managers be more interested in their available technology? Their home workspace? What about their ability to multitask? Will job seekers be asked to wait to on board until people can return to the office? Let me know in the comments below which unique questions job seekers should be prepared to answer during this unusual time. You may see the answer in an upcoming edition of #GetHired. #Hiring #jobs

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Johanne Lapointe

J'améliore la productivité en offrant un soutien administratif de qualité | Administration - Service à la clientèle - Logistique


Thank you folks! Your comments were very helpful!!! 😉

Linda Pekosi

Development Practitioner. Gender Mainstreaming and Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) Expert



Joanna Ahearn

Accounting Generalist - Vendor Relations - Cash Mgmt. - Customer Service - IT Support


While job seekers need to be prepared, employers must also be prepared for questions regarding the safety of their employees.

Beverly Sadler

Key Account Manager at AVIR Pharma Inc




Why would it be more distracting working at home? I've worked mostly remotely over the past 8 years and quite honestly I find sitting in an open plan office far more distracting than ever being at home. I actually find those big open plan offices really irritating. I can just sit and get on with stuff at home.

Robert Krone

Flight crew member at American Airlines


As a person seeking a job, then I'm going to be asking you the same kind of questions. What has your company done during the virus? How have you taken care of your employees during the virus? How has your position changed during the virus? What did you do to make you a better manager? How has your role changed during the virus? It's a two way street and all hiring managers should keep that in mind.

hoaly Pham

Machine Operator at Electrical text


Thank you , you’re teach me more than I think !

Jane Jackson

Career Coach dedicated to helping mid-career changers land the job they'll love | LinkedIn Top Voice | Author of Navigating Career Crossroads | Host of YOUR CAREER Podcast | Resumé Writing, LinkedIn, Job Interview Coach


Job seekers must be prepared to answer questions about the way they dealt with the changes due to the Coronavirus pandemic and the various flow in effects of the changes. If candidates are able to talk about specific examples of the actions they took to adapt and then the positive results of their actions, the story will answer many behavioural questions they may be asked. What did you do to manage your time during self-isolation? What did you learn from this experience? What skills did you develop? How did you adjust your working habits? How did you maintain productivity? How did you balance your work activities with demands from family members? Is there anything you would have done differently? All these questions will give #jobseekers the opportunity to demonstrate their adaptability and attitude to #change Great question in this post Andrew Seaman #gethired #jobs

Pauline Harley

Sharing Lived Experiences From A Neurodivergent Lens to Help People Become More Confident Self Advocates | M.A. Leadership Workplace Health | Self Advocacy | Workplace Wellbeing | Neuroaffirmative Facilitator | Artist |


What part if any did you play in your companies organizing of their pandemic response, adaptation and realignment where relevant? What did you learn in this process? What did it teach you about yourself as a professional? How would this learning piece benefit you in this position and our organization overall? 

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